Brisbane, Australia

2006-09-18 to 2006-09-21

THE FIRST AUSTRALIA KRIYA YOGA SILENT RESIDENTIAL RETREAT was held at the Tops Conference Centre, located in one of Australia's premier destinations, just an hour drive south of Sydney. It is set on 200 acres of pristine bushland, secluded, peaceful and ideal for any spiritual aspirant to spend time in contemplation and meditation. The retreat was conducted under the divine guidance of HIS HOLINESS Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, our beloved Swamiji.

The silent residential retreat agenda included:

  • Several guided meditations,
  • Theme discourses/classes,
  • Questions and Answer sessions.
  • Time to relax and remain in seclusion and to contemplate
  • Noble Silence during specified periods

For more photographs, please visit our photo album at Yahoo.